Voting day is tomorrow. I have gotten in the habit of preparing at the very last minute. Yes, I most certainly will be voting. It's the least I can do in my own way for my country.
Bush does need to go. There are rumors that he will stage a national emergency to hold onto his seat in office. It is possible. When we were first having problems with Afghanistan, searching for our ever formidable foe, Osama bin Laden, whom our government succeeded in making us hate and even fear, a few of my peacenic/protest friends said that it was all over our fight over oil and they have lots of it. This makes a bunch of sense to me.
When our military went after Iraq, they said, "Next, it's going to be Iran." I thought, "How in the world do they know that? Why not Yemen or Saudi Arabia?" They know a lot more about the politics and history of it all than I do. I just took it with a grain of sand, said, "Maybe it's true- maybe not." and went on with my own thing. I mean, just how much time can you devote to protesting anyway?? But I am actually quite suprised. They were right on the money. Our presidents are set in office to represent the best interests of the people of the country. But that is not what ours is doing. Is it really patriotic to support Bush or his administration?? LOL That is what he would like you to believe. George Bush himself is not very patriotic. Neither is Colin Powell, Condoliza Rice or the rest of them. I think the ones who resigned may have had their consciences get to them. These politicians are greedy, yes, but not patriotic at all.
So, we can agree that Bush and his team have to go and none of his colleagues should replace him. But should we put a Democrat in office?? Not according to Cindy Sheehan. She has appealed to the Democrats in the house to vote against the military presence in iraq and lots of them actually voted to keep US presence there. Come on, guys! Do you really think we need to be there? How dangerous are they? Really! But this is actually much bigger than a handful of people. I believe that many of the Democrats are on the fence and can see how keeping US presence in Iraq with a puppet government benefits them (that is the themselves- not the Iraqis). The last election we had, was definitely rigged, and definitely in Florida, where George W's brother was governor. No brainer there! Now, many of the Democrats have partnered with the Republicans.
And what about the home front? Where are the environmentalists?? Jennifer Granholm (our Michigan governor) said she was a Catholic but she is for abortion. Hmmmmm.... (scratching my head) She ran for the Democratic party. But what are the Democratic values? Is she even supporting unions with laws she helps put in effect? I heard not. Democrats are supposed to protect the environmnet. Not her. Most people in office seem to care more about protecting businesses and the gross national product and keeping up the value of the dollar. But when the value of the dollar becomes more important to the average citizen than the air we breathe, we have a real problem on our hands.
So, should we not vote at all? Is it just one hopeless mess? I say no. It is our duty to take a stand for what we believe in and use our God-given mouths. If we don't, we haven't done our part and can't complain when things go wrong. But oh who to vote for?? Who's for the environment? Not the Republican candidates. Not the Democrat candidates either, or at least not too many. And none of the Democratic presidential candidates have a history of actually protecting the environment. To the Democratic party, on the whole, businesses are higher on their agenda. Now, when many of the factories along the rivers and coast lines become flooded out, then they might adjust their agenda a little. But then too much damage will have been done. And where will be the Federal funds for these easily avoided natural disasters? Remember what happened to New Orleans? Yeah, guys. That could have been avoided too. We, as a nation helped make that mess. And yes, it was very sad.
Now, you may be saying, "Boy am I glad it didn't happen over here." Well, the truth is, sea levels are actually rising equally all over the world. So, who knows? You might actually be next. I, myself live not too far from the Detroit River in Detroit. So, we, in Detroit, Windsor, Ohio, etc can expect something similar in the next few years if this isn't turned around.
But there is a solution. You may say, "How, when the Republicans don't have our best interests and neither do the Democrats? I may vote for the guy I dislike the least or not vote at all and just brace myself." How can we possibly vote for a presidential candidate who actually cares and truly plans to do whatever he can do curb carb emissions and punish dumpers, etc. and also get military presence out of the Mid East instead of fighting for loyalties to drill for more oil? Oh that's right. It's a little known fact, (very little known, unfortunately) that there are more US parties out there at the moment than the ever popular elephant and donkey bearing parties. That's right, folks. There is also the Libertarian party, which calls for radical changes and perhaps a revolution, if I'm right. And then, there is the Green party, whose main priority is our precious and delicate Earth which keeps us alive. They also have on their agenda the very serious vow to do what they can to remove all US presence from the Mid East.
There you have it, folks. I, myself am going to vote Green from now on. No more games. I am really tired of them. I am tired of watching the Democratic and Republicans lips move on the screen as they go "blah blah blah blah", but you know it's all just for show and really just a waste of our time. Also, the Communist party is alive and well in Europe, but of course, we can't vote for them. LOL Just thought you'd like to know.
Here is a link I found on the internet with more helpful info, for Michigan citizens anyway.
Cheers and happy voting! ;) Or not, if you're like me and hate doing research and put it off until the last minute. :P
Until my next blog, Flower Power. :D