Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Blogs

I just created this account. I have a Yahoo 360 page. I have had it for a couple of years and have blogged a lot. I enjoyed it very much and had many friends. But for those of you who are familiar with Yahoo's antics, you know how tired we all have grown of them.

I have a MySpace profile as well. I like it there and am not leaving. But a friend has invited me to Blogger and since I would like to have more blog views, I thought, "Why not?" :)

I can continue to read her blogs, then. They are always so informative and great info. Plus, I imagine, here, with the emphasis on blogging, even the most mundane blogs of mine will get comments. LOL On MySpace, my average blog and I do not put up more than one in a wekk or even sometimes two, and the average blog usually only see three comments at best- usually just two. I have over a hundred friends at the moment. but most of them are businesses and are very busy with recognition. It's great to work with them, though.

I guess this is my form of volunteering at the moment, until I find my nitch.

Well, this is starting off here.

We shall see how this goes. Looks like fun so far. :)

I just think it would be neat if I could also put up photos, etc like on MySpace.


natali said...

Hi Friend, it's great to see we can spread our wings and branch out this way. Since we both are working for causes that are important to us, we need to reach as many people as possible!
Well, Congratulations on your brand-new blog ;-)

Flower Power said...

Hey! :)

Thanks for the comment.

I have tons of questions. Please give suggestions or what you think of my page so I can make it better. Bloger looks plain compared to what I'm used to. I guess I'm spoiled. LOL

I do like the template, though. That is pretty.

I want to have just one video up ata time like I do on MySpace. So, I set that video bar up. I did not choose those. Can you tell me how to enbed videos without having those there. I want the ones up taken down or I'm sure people will think I want them to see those. LOL

Flower Power said...

Also, have you figured out how to work the slideshow yet? I'd like to have my photo album here too. I have lots of cool shots I'd like to share, not just text. ;)