Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Learning More :)

I figured out how to edit my video bar.

You don't embed codes like in MySpace. But you don't get to choose the videos you want up. You just type in a key word and the most popular ones with that key word will pop up.

Well, this will do, because the most important thing is the blogging. Everything else is extra. ;)

This will be my secondary profile in addition to Yahoo 360. The backgrounds there are great. But there are so many glitches. This will do to get extra readers.

Post a comment, so I know who you are, seeing as you cannot simply leave comments in general here to say hello. then, I will go check your profile and blogs out. :D

Take care. Signing out.

Getting Over the Kinks

Now, I have a few questions.

If anyone would like to help. ;)

How do I edit my blog? I usually type it all up first, then post and see how it looks. Then, I go back and edit. I, actually did pretty good, considering I only found one typo. (so far. LOL)

Can I have videos of my choosing up on my profile? I did not pick the ones that are up now. But I have seen some really cool ones on YouTube that I would like to share here.

The profile part looks very plain and I love design and color. I also love lots of different kinds of art and layouts like in MySpace. Can I pump up my profile a little? It looks like a plain sheet of paper. I guess I'm just spoiled by MySpace and Yahoo 360. LOL

Also, I would like to have a photo album here with tons of really cool shots that I would like to share with all you guys. How do you do that here? I already have an account with Rock You. Now I have to get one with Photobucket too? I tried to embed the url from RockYou and it didn't work. Hmmmm... :P

I know things will get better in time and I am just starting out. I'm putting up the blog with these questions, because from my experience with these things, tutorials usually do not answer my questions and the staff that there is, are usually swamped. I learned all the stuff I know now on MySpace from other very friendly users who were very happy to show me. :P

Thanks in advance. :)

My Blogs

I just created this account. I have a Yahoo 360 page. I have had it for a couple of years and have blogged a lot. I enjoyed it very much and had many friends. But for those of you who are familiar with Yahoo's antics, you know how tired we all have grown of them.

I have a MySpace profile as well. I like it there and am not leaving. But a friend has invited me to Blogger and since I would like to have more blog views, I thought, "Why not?" :)

I can continue to read her blogs, then. They are always so informative and great info. Plus, I imagine, here, with the emphasis on blogging, even the most mundane blogs of mine will get comments. LOL On MySpace, my average blog and I do not put up more than one in a wekk or even sometimes two, and the average blog usually only see three comments at best- usually just two. I have over a hundred friends at the moment. but most of them are businesses and are very busy with recognition. It's great to work with them, though.

I guess this is my form of volunteering at the moment, until I find my nitch.

Well, this is starting off here.

We shall see how this goes. Looks like fun so far. :)

I just think it would be neat if I could also put up photos, etc like on MySpace.